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19 Aug 2014, 12:08 pm | Regulator or Authority Impersonation

False DFSA Documents used to Promote a Fraudulent Scam

​The Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) alerts the financial services community and members of the public about a fraudulent Advance Fee scam promoted by people claiming to have the endorsement of the DFSA and other financial services regulators.The scammers inform victims that:The scammers provide their victims with a false document purporting to be from the DFSA. The false document also refers to a number of international financial services regulatory authorities. The document can be viewed here. The DFSA informs you that:The DFSA has a page on its website dedicated to Alerts which it has issued in relation to scams. All Alerts issued by the DFSA may be accessed by going to:Your-Resources/dfsa-alertsThe DFSA has also recently issued warnings and guidance about the common types of scams perpetrated on consumers. For more information on these scams, please go to:HowToAvoidBeingScammedIf you have any concerns about the authenticity of any DIFC or DFSA correspondence or documents, you should direct your concerns to the DIFC on Tel: +971 4 362 2222 and to the DFSA via the DFSA Complaints function on www.dfsa.ae.

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