Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the responsibility of an organisation for the impacts of its decisions and activities on society and the environment through transparent and ethical behaviour that is consistent with sustainable development and the welfare of society; takes into account the expectations of stakeholders; is in compliance with applicable law and consistent with international norms of behaviour; and is integrated throughout the organisation.

The DFSA has adopted a strategic approach to giving to society, through innovative initiatives and programmes for sharing knowledge. In 2014 the DFSA launched Bawabaty ‘My Gateway’ a Financial Services Awareness initiative targeted at the UAE youth sector with the aim to introduce UAE Nationals to field of Financial Services and work ethics in a professional working environment.

The DFSA also developed a Summer Training Programme that provides UAE National undergraduates with the opportunity to work in the DFSA to gain work experience and skills in four of our operational areas and they are; Corporate Affairs, Finance and Administration, Human Resources and Information Technology.

Furthermore, the DFSA family contributes and participates in many local CSR initiatives such as; packaging goods for labourers and blood donations.


In March 2014, the DFSA Launched Bawabaty or ‘My Gateway’.

Bawabaty is a Financial Services Awareness Initiative for the Local Community, a new initiative developed by the DFSA to improve the work readiness of UAE Nationals joining the workforces of the future and to reach out to different sections of the local community.

In the first instance, Bawabaty will target the UAE youth sector, and through a series of seminars and events, Bawabaty aims to introduce UAE Nationals to topics such as business ethics and financial literacy. Facilitating learning and understanding of the financial services industry, as a whole, will better provide individuals with the skills and knowledge that employers typically look for.

The principal objectives of Bawabaty are to 1) to meet the growing needs of UAE National graduates wishing to pursue a career in financial services; 2) to provide lifelong learning opportunities for our local community; and 3) to support community education in financial services, in the UAE.

Bawabaty’s inaugural event held at the DIFC Centre of Excellence on March 17 focused on ‘Integrity at Work’ and saw the DFSA partnering with the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI). The workshop, which included individual voting machines, real-time results and lively debates, provided attendees with the unique opportunity to vote on a range of ethical challenges, drawn from real-life situations from the workplace.

The highlights of the inaugural workshop included the lively, well-informed and instructive discussions facilitated by Mr Kevin Moore, Chartered MCSI, CISI Director Global Business Development. His “Integrity At Work” presentation provided participants with the unique opportunity to vote on a range of ethical challenges, drawn from real-life workplace situations. These discussions allowed the fruitful exchange of ideas, experiences and opinions between the participants on wide ranging issues faced by young graduates in the UAE.

Bawabaty Gallery

To view Bawabaty Gallery, click here.

Bawabaty Events

For more information on Bawabaty events, click here.

Summer Training Programme

Bawabaty aims to raise awareness of financial services regulation in the UAE National community. As part of this community initiative the Summer Training Programme allows undergraduates to have work experience in the DFSA.

The DFSA would like to support UAE National youth employability through the provision of internships to gain work experience and skills in four of our operational areas. Please click here for more information.

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