Sustainable Finance

The global financial sector has a critical role to play in supporting long-term sustainable development and a successful and orderly transition to a low-carbon economy. At the heart of this effort are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the global commitment made by nations in the Paris Agreement to reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, via well-managed decarbonisation efforts, for the purpose of limiting global temperature rises. In recent years, political ambitions, public policy and private capital have focused on driving and enabling this change.

The financial sector plays a key role in helping finance this economic transition through business and investment decisions, corporate leadership and stewardship, data and ratings transparency and support of research and innovation. This task relies on a significant understanding of sustainable finance and more specifically Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) issues and undertaking a variety of initiatives and actions to address them.

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