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30 Apr 2013, 12:04 pm

Hazza Bin Saif Investment Group Falsely Claims to be Incorporated by the DFSA

The Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) issues the following alert about a scam facilitated by a firm called Hazza Bin Saif Investment Group through the website:www.hazzabinsaifinvestment.orgHazza Bin Saif Investment Group’s method of operation is to contact companies and other consumers offering access to funds for loans or investments for as much as USD $200 Million. Any company or consumer who makes enquiries as to the funds is then advised to procure a bond from El Shahawee Insurance Company UAE http://elshahaweeinsuranceuae.com - and pay underwriting fees in the amount of USD$ 56,000.The scam falsely informs companies and consumers that Hazza Bin Saif Investment Group is authorised by the DFSA.An example of the falsified Certificate of Incorporation used by Hazza Bin Saif Investment Group can be viewed here.The DFSA does not issue such certificates.The scam referred to above is a fraud. The DFSA strongly advises that you do not respond to representations of this type.The DFSA has apage on its website dedicated to Alerts in relation to scams. All Alerts issued by the DFSA may be accessed by going to:Your-Resources/dfsa-alerts The DFSA has also recently issued warnings and guidance about the common types of scams perpetrated on consumers. For more information on these scams, please go to:HowToAvoidBeingScammedIf you have any concerns about the authenticity of any DIFC or DFSA correspondence or documents, you should direct your concerns to the DIFC on Tel: +971 4 362 2222 and to the DFSA via the DFSA Complaints function on www.dfsa.ae or via telephone on +971 4 362 1576.

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