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09 Dec 2012, 12:12 pm

Reminder of Rulebook Amendments

Please note the following rulemaking instruments come into effect from today 9 December 2012:

• Prudential – Investment, Insurance Intermediation and Banking Module (PIB) Instrument (No. 111) 2012;

• General Module (GEN) Instrument (No. 112) 2012;

• Conduct Of Business Module (COB) Instrument (No. 113) 2012;

• Glossary Module (GLO) Instrument (No. 114) 2012; and

• Islamic Finance Rules Module (IFR) Instrument (No. 115) 2012. 

The relevant Rulebook modules have been updated on the DFSA Website and can be viewed under the Legal Framework / Rulebook Modules section of the DFSA Website.

For further information on these amendments please see the following:

• Notice of Amendments to Legislation 15 October 2012

• SEO Letter dated 6 December 2012: New and Enhanced PIB Module of DFSA Rulebook – Roll-Out and Implementation

• Consultation Paper 83 - Proposed Changes to the PIB Module of the Rulebook 


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