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02 Aug 2012, 12:08 pm | Clarification

Clarification Regarding MF Global

The DFSA has received notice the US Bankruptcy Trustee who is overseeing the MF Global bankruptcy cases has set a deadline for claimants.The notice indicates that a Proof of Claim form must be filed by those who assert that they are owed money.  It also indicates that filing the form along with supporting documents preserves a claimant’s right to share in any distribution of the MF Global debtor’s assets, but failure to timely file the form generally bars a claimant from receiving any part of the distribution.The Proof of Claim process applies to the following specific entities (all cases are filed in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York):MF Global Holdings Ltd. (Case No. 11-15059 (MG))MF Global Finance USA Inc. (Case No. 11-15058 (MG))MF Global Capital LLC (Case No. 11-15808 (MG))MF Global Market Services LLC (Case No. 11-15809 (MG))MF Global FX Clear LLC (Case No. 11-15810 (MG))MF Global Holdings USA Inc. (Case No. 12-10863 (MG))The Proof of Claim form is available here.The instructions for filing are found in the Notice of Deadline for filing Proof of Claim, which is available here.The addresses at which the forms should be filed are listed on page 3 of the Notice, available here, and they must be actually and physically received at the appropriate address by 5pm on 22 August 2012. 

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